Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blake Cares and Thanks Me

Its impressive when the owner of a bar or restaurant thanks you for coming to his establishment and asks that you, "come again." When the host of a party does it, its classy.

Well, Blake Lewis ain't just some ego-maniacal pop-star. He's like a classy party host. Is he bitter that the best he could muster in his first week of CD sales was #10? No. He's a humble beat-boxer from the lilly-white streets of Seattle and he appreciates every last one of us that bought his CD. He managed to find 9-whole seconds during his busy day to shoot a "thank you" video for his fans. And watch ...he didn't even have to check the queue card until the :04-second mark.

He's, like, seriously, one of my new best buddies.

Thanks from Blake Lewis

"Audio Day Dream" debuted at #10 on the Soundscan Charts, selling 97,500 copies in it's first week! As a result, Blake wanted to make sure to thank all of his fans for their support! Check it out!

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