Wednesday, February 13, 2008

spunkiddy Doo Dah Day!

By now, you've no doubt gotten my plea to read my stuff on spunkybean.

SHARING: This link to this blog entry. As I commented there, seeing the cast of Family Ties back together almost makes my heart hurt ...just a little. I was 12 or 13 years old during Family Ties's heyday and my brother and I absolutely LOVED this show. Not for Michael J. Fox, mind you, but for Michael Gross who we consider the greatest sitcom Dad of all time. Yes, better than Andy Griffith or Mike Brady. Also, he was the funniest guy on the show and his magic moments are still quoted and mimicked by my bro and I to this day. I think we sang "Down By The Old Mill Stream" to our babies to calm them (possibly with us in the bedroom and the cradle in the hall).

READYING: A night of great TV. I got Jericho Tivo'd from last night and tonight The Daily Show and The Colbert Report will be back, now with 100% more writing!!! As will Late Night with Conan O'Brien - which I won't watch until tomorrow, but still.

BRAGGING: Thanks to you, my loyal readers, and to those who forward my American Idol write-ups onto others, I was asked by a radio station in a Top-75 market to do their morning American Idol report. Sooooo ...not only am I a world-famous blogger and web columnist, I'm now an on-air personality. Look'ee me!!!

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